Selasa 23 Apr 2024 20:30 WIB

West Java Aspire to Become Center of Sharia Economic

Sharia economics and finance in West Java have great potential.

Penjabat (Pj) Gubernur Jawa Barat Bey Triadi Machmudin dalam pengukuhan dan pelantikan KDEKS Provinsi Jawa Barat di Gedung Sate, Kota Bandung, Selasa (23/4/2024).
Foto: ANTARA/Ricky Prayoga
Penjabat (Pj) Gubernur Jawa Barat Bey Triadi Machmudin dalam pengukuhan dan pelantikan KDEKS Provinsi Jawa Barat di Gedung Sate, Kota Bandung, Selasa (23/4/2024).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANDUNG -- In the presence of the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia KH Maruf Amin, Acting Governor of West Java Bey Machmudin hopes that West Java will become a center for sharia economics and finance. 

Bey proud of the achievement of sharia banking assets in West Java which reached IDR 843 trillion in 2023. The total collection of zakat, infaq, and waqf in West Java was recorded at IDR 6.5 trillion last year.

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"We convey that Sharia economics and finance in West Java has great potential," Bey said during the inauguration ceremony of the West Java Regional Sharia Economic and Financial Committee (KDEKS) at Gedung Sate, Bandung City, Tuesday (April 23, 2024).

He revealed that exports from the halal food and beverage industry sector reached 4.8 billion US dollars. Meanwhile, halal medicines will reach 243 million US dollars in 2023.

However, there are four universities and three private universities that have Sharia finance and economics study programs. The total number of students studying in this study program reached 5,010 people.

He revealed that the presence of the Regional and Sharia Finance Committee (KDEKS) could strengthen collaboration and synergy in Sharia economic development in West Java. "Support from the central government can make West Java a sharia financial and economic center," he said.

Indonesian Vice President KH Maruf Amin attended the inauguration of the West Java KDEKS. There are nine regional committee administrators.

Bey Machmudin became Chairman of KDEKS, and the Secretary of KDEKS was West Java Regional Secretary Herman Suryatman. Member of KDEKS are Head of West Java Bappeda, Assistant for Social Welfare of West Java Province, Head of Economy for West Java Province. Apart from that, there are several other administrators.

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